Friday, March 31, 2006

The scent takes me back to India

So when I got all unpacked from my trip, and I do notice a bit of a smell hanging on all my clothes that faintly reminds me of the smell in my hotel room in Chennai. I never did figure out what it was, but I strongly suspected mold or mildew.

I packed the shawls I bought in my suitcase for the journey home. They sat in there with my dirty clothes for the 20+ hour ride home, which had been soaking up all that good stuff in the hotel room all week. So the combination of mildew and old Jeff sweat made for an interesting musk.

I gave one of the shawls I brought back in my suitcase to Vanessa, because I knew she would like one and I wanted to thank her for being so great about watching Jester all this time that I couldn't. She said later she noticed the "odd" smell and is now trying to overpower it with yummy smelling stuff. I wonder which smell will win out in the end.

I should probably air out the rest, but I think it adds a unique character to them that you just couldn't have gotten any other way. Hope you all are having happy olfactory adventures. Ciao.

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