Saturday, March 25, 2006

Fortifying at O'Neills

Mmmm, I'm sitting here in O'Neill's at Heathrow airport in London pounding down a Full English House breakfast complete with sausage, bacon, toast, mushrooms, baked beans, eggs, and a tomato and washing it all down with a delicious Guinness. I still have about an hour before they even announce which gate my flight to San Francisco will be leaving from, but my battery only has 40 minutes left in it. Fully charged it lasts a whopping one and a half hours max. Not too impressive.

So as you may have guessed I didn't have any troubles getting packed, checked out of the hotel and onto my flight out of Chennai. The lines were long at the airport, but I got there plenty early. We took off around 4:15 in the morning and I was already falling asleep. Unfortunately I woke up for the first meal, I shouldn't have bothered. The fruit tasted rotten, the sausage was like jerky and the "omlette" could have been used as a sponge to mop up the juice I managed to spill when the guy next to me dropped his bag on my head while he was getting into the overhead compartments. I only managed to stomach one bite of each before pushing it all aside. The only consolation was the two free glasses of wine I had with lunch. At least British Airways softens the blow of being packed into steerage by supplying free booze. United Airlines could learn a thing or two from them.

I passed the rest of the time trying to watch the in flight entertainment without sound since the headphone jack on my chair was broken. Luckily the Bollywood film showing had subtitles, but watching them all dance and sing without a soundtrack just managed to inhance an already bizarre experience. The only accompany sound was the incessant crying of babies. I distracted myself with some Kakuro puzzles and writing down the names of European cities I might like to visit on my next trip as I saw them pop up on the map as we passed overhead.

Batteries about to die again, so I better sign off. Cheers and I will see you all soon.

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