Thursday, March 02, 2006

Sunshine in Poland

Djen dobry

The sun is out and it is a beautiful day in Poland. I am happy this morning and well rested, even though I woke up before my alarm went off. Thank you again, Chris, for the dual timezone clock for the trip. They didn't have a clock in the hotel room and it is nice to be able to just glance at it and know what time it is at home.

I took my time getting to work today because it was so early. I just missed the first tram this morning but there are so many that I didn't have to wait too long for the next one. I took a shot of the building LLP is in and a few of the shops on the street. These little shops are everywhere and sell everything you could want. Especially the vice shops which seem to be on every corner, like little mini quicky marts, but lots of useful things like tram tickets. The other ubiquitous stand are these little pretzel carts that I saw everywhere this last weekend, but since I've tried to find one to take a picture of I can't seem to.

Yes I actually find time to do some work too. I've been getting to know the devs here and sharing processes and developing new ones with one of the lead Java devs, Marcin, thats the guy with the shaved head and devil beard. Very talented programmer, I could learn a lot from him. I've also been working on my presentation materials for India.

Its time for laundry, and Paul was very gratious and offered to take my dirties and wash them and bring them back for me. I was embarassed to give him my dirty shorts to wash but I couldn't turn him down. The laundry service at the hotel is too expensive and they don't really have laundromats. Most apartments have a small washer and no dryer. Its all air drying. Anyways, I owe Paul big time! I need to think of something nice to do for him soon before I go to India.

Speaking of work, I should get back to it now. Take care all. Ciao.

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