Thursday, March 09, 2006

Good to be back

Hey everyone,

It's been good to be back home for a little while and I'm all over my jet-lag. I took the first day back, Monday, off work and just took care of my stuff. I got my new driver's license and ordered replacements for most of the cards I lost on the trip. I took the time to deposit a paycheck and pay some bills. I got my new space all set up at the office now too and its starting to feel like home again.

I really like being all together in one building again. Its much easier to see everyone and stay in contact. I don't know if it means I'll get any more work done, but at least I'm starting to feel more a part of the company as a whole and not just my division.

It looks like the India trip may still happen, but I'm not sure when. I'd prefer it be sometime in April. I'm going to try to see if I can't get a travel partner to go with me. I don't relish the idea of going alone. I will definitely pack lighter this time and take only what I need, and I will take a couple things I wish I had remembered from last time.

Lots of people have said India will blow my mind, that the culture shock will be great. I expect to see extreme poverty side by side with modern conveniences in the city. I expect large crowds in busy and confusing streets as well as wandering cattle mingling with the populous. I will have to remember not to order a steak or hamburger while I'm there.

I should pick up an Indian phrase book before I go and learn my numbers and essential phrases. I'm sure I'll find plenty of people who speak English, but it wouldn't hurt and I find dabbling in languages to be very fun. Its somewhat like what I do for work, learning just enough about different programming languages to get by depending on the situation.

I won't have many more updates until my next trip and I don't want to pull viewership from Chris and his trip so check out the links I've added to his travelogue and albums.


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