Monday, March 06, 2006

Short and Sweet

Hey all! I've gotten lots of requests for an update, and sorry for the delay, but I've had an internet and phone black out since Saturday. I've appreciated the comments and the interest and even the fake posts from my "boss" ;)

So where to begin? So I am here in Eugene now and India has been post poned for now. I'm not sure if I will get a chance to go or not, we are still working that out. I got back at just past midnight Monday morning exhausted, but happy to be back for a little while at least. I just crashed and fell asleep.

I've been trying to catch up with everyone else since I got up. I had enough time to take my stuff into the new office, grab keys, hit the DMV, and the bank. I also grabbed lunch with some friends and gave them the abbreviated version of my last couple days. It was really nice to hang with my friends again.

Since then I've been relaxing at home and getting ready to catch up with my blog. So thats the quick update and there will be more to follow. Ciao.

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