Friday, May 05, 2006

Feliz Cinco de Mayo, de Krakow

I'm here at Eugene airport, plenty early for my flight, enjoying a blueberry muffin and orange juice for breakfast. This time I remembered to get a temporary Mileage Plus number to start wracking up the frequent flyer miles. Free stuff here I come!

I've never been away from home for three weeks before, I sure hope I thought of everything I'll need. Once again I waited until the absolute last minute to pack. I'm glad I have the nice new luggage set for this trip. I filled the two largest bags with practically all the clothes I own and I will still have to do laundry at least once during the trip. This is the heaviest I've ever packed, two check-on bags and two carry-ons. Hope I didn't forget anything.

Last night Lindsey hosted a barbeque Bon Voyage party for me and Andrea. Four hours before the party Andrea learned that she could no longer go on the trip, her trip had been canceled. I felt terrible for her and was very disappointed in whatever management bungle let that happen. I was really looking forward to having her as a travel partner even if it was going to be for just a week. She seemed to take it all in stride though, and actually came to the party to wish me luck on my trip. The party was nice, and I got to meet more of Lindsey's friends and family. We sat around the firepit eating Polish sausages kraut, coleslaw, and pie, talking and joking and laughing. It was a very nice send off, although I developed a very painful nausea-inducing headache halfway through the party. Thankfully, Lindsey found something for me that took care of it and I was able to make it through the rest of the evening. I was super happy that Chris and Kat came and met some of my tribe. Everyone seemed to get along, I hope they did.

After saying goodnight to everyone I went home to finish packing. It was very tough to leave now when there are exciting things happening at home.


Now I'm in Chicago. We were delayed an hour in Eugene while on the plane, got to San Fran an hour late and cut it close on my connection to Chicago. Now I've got an hour until the flight for Krakow leaves. I'm surprised that there is a direct flight from Chicago to Krakow, but then again I've heard it said that the only city to have more Poles living in it than Chicago is Warsaw so maybe it's not so strange after all. Had time for some Chinese food before boarding the plane, I want to avoid the in flight dinner at all costs, it just never sits right.


The flight to Krakow was not an enjoyable experience. I got stuck with a middle seat in the center of the plane. The guy on my right pretty much had his elbow in my seat resting on me whenever he wasn't popping pills or getting up to rush to the bathroom and then throw himself back into the seat heavily. He didn't look well. My plan to sleep through dinner would have work too if it hadn't been for the meddling woman on my left who woke me up roughly to tell me dinner was being served. I thanked her and then promptly went back to sleep until the man on my right was served and his elbows hammered into me as he attempted to cut the rubbery chicken product on this plate. I gave up and continued to read my new books on Poland and Eastern Europe.

I learned a lot from them and they've helped me plan my trips better. I'm hitting Auschwitz and Birkenau Saturday, Wieliczka salt mine, Kazmierz district and an art Museum Sunday, and then taking the overnight train to Prague and back next weekend. I'm looking forward to it all.

I've never been on a flight before where all the passengers break into spontaneous applause as soon as the plane touches the ground. That was a bit unsettling, as if they had all been witness to failed attempts at hitting the ground before and wanted to show their appreciation for a successful touch down. I didn't think the ride was that bumpy. I guess applauding is a healthier reaction to landing than trying to drive your feet through the bottom of the plane and slow it down like a Flintstones car, as I usually do.

Things didn't get off to a good start. I waited for an hour for my bags, and they never showed. Neither bag. I have only my emergency change of clothes right now and no jacket. I washed my shorts and socks in the sink tonight so that I will have something if my bags don't arrive tomorrow. There is only one flight per day out of Chicago. That sucks. They took my information down and a description of the bags and it's all out of my hands now. That was my favorite 80% of my wardrobe, I hope I get it back. I also forgot to bring sunglasses. At least the weather was nice today.

Paul picked me up at the airport, we laughed about the bag situation and he dropped me off at the hotel. I put some essentials in the safe at the hotel and then went out to wander the main square and do some shopping. I almost bought a painting today, I might go back and try to barter it down if it's still there next time. Krakow is twice as beautiful as it was last time I was here. Everything turned green, the snow is gone, and the skirts have gotten much higher. Love it.

Paul met me later in the evening, and we had a nice time snacking at the outdoor cafes, having a couple drinks, wandering old town, and chatting the time away. Dinner was an overly long affair, but I've come to expect that here. After a fulfilling meal of soup, cabbage, rice, meats, bread, and beer we both were done for the evening and headed our separate ways.

I'm posting pics from the last couple days soon and then heading to bed. Czesc.

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