Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A hole in my shoe and a chip in my tooth

I've definitely put on the miles since the beginning of the month. My shoes are wearing very thin in parts, my calves are rock hard, and my legs haven't been in this good of shape since my soccer days. Maybe I should find a team to scrimmage with when I get home, and keep up the hiking routine. I'll need to buy some new shoes first.

I noticed something in the air in Vienna was bugging my nose, it started running soon after arriving and didn't stop until I left, and it wasn't due to cigarette smoke this time around.

My train to Budapest didn't leave until almost 14:00 so I found time in the morning to squeeze in one more museum. I saw a great collection of paintings, and Greek and Eqyptian artifacts. I would definitely recommend buying one of the package tickets, which are good for all the sights I went to see. They pay for themselves after only three visits.

Final thoughts on Vienna: too large to see in two days, I never got out of the center ring. Lots of delicious pastries and treats to be had there. Bikes, skates, and scooters are very popular and useful, but you have to watch where you walk or get run over. It's a very tourist friendly town, but a bit expensive. You can find deals if you look hard enough though. Someone could easily spend a week in Vienna and not be bored.

I made it to my train with plenty of time to spare. I left at 13:52 and arrived in Budapest at 16:35. I ate a simple lunch on the train from my supplies. I managed to take a small chip out of one of my bottom teeth while biting through a stale roll though.

I'm staying at a cute little place here, very near the Parliment building, called Hotel Hold, on Hold street of course. They put me in a small room with the bed up in a loft. They knocked a bit off the price for not having the room I wanted ready for me when I got here. Still, I'm not complaining, I'm just glad they had anything on short notice. I'm getting used to the Metro. Budapest is more confusing than Prague and more spread out than Vienna. I rode down to Raday street, which is the locals' favorite restaurant row, and found a place to sit at the Berliner. I dined on goulash and pasta while big fat Hungarian mosquitos dined on me.

After dinner I took a long walk up the Danube River. I'm staying on the Pest side of the river and I don't think I'll have time to get to the Buda side, so I had to content myself with just taking pictures of it at night. Time for bed now. Good night.

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