Wednesday, May 17, 2006

There's more than one way to serve a fish

Monday and Tuesday went by very fast. Work kept me busy. I'm glad I'm leaving my laptop behind on my train trip. No way to check my work email and get sucked in. For lunch on Monday I went with the guys to Swiat Pierogow, or "World of Pierogies" or some such translation. I love pierogi and I remember this place from last time. As I was taking that picture, some older gentlemen came by carrying a couple bags of beers and decided my shot needed a little something extra so they set their beers on the table in front of the guys. I swear we weren't drinking during lunch! It did make for a decent picture.

That night I met up with Marcin and Maciek in the square. I was hungry, as usual, and they had mentioned never having tried sushi before for I thought it would be fun to introduce them. We went to Edo, the best place in Krakow for sushi. I think the guys got a kick out of the whole thing, with the private rooms separated by sliding walls, the low table and pillows for kneeling, the Polish waitress dressed in a kimono, trying warm sake for the first time, and of course the food. I ordered some of my favorite rolls and some tako nigiri, which I only told Maciek was octopus as he was about to take a bite. Marcin was confused by the sake since it isn't quite wine and it isn't quite vodka. Szymon and Artur joined us near the end, but passed the opportunity to try anything. Maybe next time.

After our light dinner we went to one of the oldest nightspots in Kazimierz, Alchemia. It has a great atmosphere and interesting decor. The door to the room we hung out in was only accessible by stepping through a wardrobe, something straight out of C.S. Lewis' imagination. After a couple of beers I was ready for some soup. We said good night to Szymon and then the guys took me back to the late night soup bar that I liked so much from before. They were out of the special soup the guys wanted me to try, so I stuck to my default, zurek with potatoes, mmmmm-good. With beer and warm soup in our bellies we wandered back to old town. It was a Monday night so many of the pubs were closed, so we ended the night at old reliable Jazz Rock Cafe, where I entertained myself by watching drunk guys try to hit on the girls on the dance floor and get rejected time and again. It was getting very late, or early depending on how you tell time, so we left and headed back to the hotel.

Tuesday was very tame. I ate lunch in the Biprostal cafeteria, and tried a soup that was very much like Campbell's chicken noodle soup, and then ate a whole fish. I never was able to get an exact translation of the type of fish, I just assumed it was a kind of trout. After work Szymon drove Marcin, Artur, and I to Galleria Kazimierz for some shopping. I was looking for new shoes, since the ones I brought are wearing very thin, but I didn't find anything I absolutely needed. I thought about another pair of Eccos, but they cost the same as in the States. I laughed when the guys pointed out Jeff's restaurant. It was just too funny not to have a beer and something to eat there. We ran into Bartosz and his wife Asha while we were there so sat down with them until they finished and left. When we left the mall it was raining a bit and there was a thunder & lightning storm on its way, but the shuttle bus to downtown was waiting for us. Marcin, Artur and I went our separate ways and I took it easy in the hotel room that night, getting caught up and ready for my trip.

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