Friday, April 14, 2006

Time to RTFM

Hey all,

On my ride home last night I was thinking to myself that I needed to get started really planning my free time on my next trip to Poland. I've never been good at planning stuff, usually just going with the flow and letting more organized people set the pace, and I'm cool with that. So I didn't know where to start when making a plan for myself. Thankfully my highly motivated and organized brother was a step ahead of me! When I got home there was a box from waiting for me. I was feeling a bit down and this immediately perked me up. Imagine my surprise to find Rick Steve's Best of Eastern Europe 2006 inside! Thanks, Chris :)

Looks like the perfect thing for me. I'll be reading it and taking it with me for sure. Its got maps and rail schedules and short trip itineraries and everything. Great stuff.

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