Sunday, August 08, 2010

Just Married!

Our wedding was fantastic. All the hard work was very much worth it. The weather was great, the location was beautiful and everyone was working very hard for us. We couldn't be happier with it.

If you weren't there, you should have been. Pictures are available at photobucket. Search for "gatayjefe" under people.

The campbell house was cute, and the room was just what we needed, a little place out of the way and private where we could decompress, take a bath, and take a nap. After that we headed out the putters and got all sweaty again playing laser tag, eating pizza, and drinking beer. We had a great time with our friends there.

Sunday morning we checked out and grabbed breakfast with the Swansons at Keystone Cafe. There we ran into Elliot and Emily as well. It was nice to see them again before they headed back to Portland. After breakfast we went down to the 'Wich House to grab our ice chests and pick up some leftover soup for lunch and our trip to Seattle. Then we went home.

Molly was there to help us move stuff into the house and clean up a bit. I had to sanitize the beer setup before storing it. After Molly left, Kat & I opened cards and gifts and took notes for our thank you list. That took longer than we had planned so we had to hurry up and pack for vacation. I was trying to get to Keizer early enough to visit with Chris and his family before they had to leave.

I double-checked my reservations and printed off everything I had. I had a moment of worry about the rental in London, because my contact hadn't gotten back to me via email about some of my questions. Also, I noticed that my paypal payment had been reversed, but it appeared that it was just to change the currency type. I printed off all my paypal information and brought it with, just in case there was some sort of dispute. I looked up the address via google maps and saw that it was supposedly across the street from a theatre. It looked like there could be apartments above the pub there. I thought "Huh, this will be interesting. Kind of a funky place in the middle of an entertainment district. Oh, well."

We packed in a rush, but only forgot a few minor things. We got to Keizer much later than we'd hoped, right around 7pm. Chris was still there however. He was nice enough to steal a bottle of champagne from the wedding so we could have it that night in our hotel. We ate a quick meal of burgers and chips before saying good-bye to the SC Bennetts and continuing on our way to Seattle.

The drive went by relatively quickly, but Kat and I were both exhausted by the end of the evening. We hadn't had much sleep in a few days. We checked into the Clarion Hotel and parked our car for the trip. It wasn't anything special, but it was fine for one night and very close to the airport. We went straight to bed and left the champagne and soups for the morning. We had to get up at 5 to make it to our flight on time. We had a long day ahead of us...

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