Monday, September 28, 2009

To Florence and Back

I rode my bike to Florence and back over the weekend with Kat's dad, Gary. The total mileage was about 136 miles in two days. This is something I've been wanting to accomplish for about a year since the last time Kat and I drove out to the coast. It's hard to believe that I actually did it. Gary was a big catalyst for getting it done, with his infectious enthusiasm, experience, and detailed planning.

My biggest concern with the trip was having the stamina and endurance to do the trip one day and then turn around the next day and do it again. We started doing shorter rides over the months leading up to this one. We did 30, 40, and 50 mile rides in preparation. Saturday we rode 62 miles there and then Sunday we did 74 miles back. It was intense, but I survived with minimal injury. My knees and ass are still a bit sore, but not as bad as some of the previous rides.

We had a great time together, chatting during the ride, talking to random locals in the small towns we passed through, and wandering around old town Florence. I'd love to do something like that again, but not right away. I'll need some time to rest up.

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