Saturday, September 27, 2008

Halloween Party 2008 - Hiatus

I'm not going to throw a Halloween party this year. I've lived in Eugene, off-campus for 12 years now and I've only skipped the party one of those years. My elbow was broken and in a sling in 2003 and I didn't feel very up to it then. This year Kat and I will be spending a good chunk of October in Mexico and I probably won't feel like doing much when I get back. My garage is full of unused furniture, building materials, bikes, and other junk that I haven't gotten around to dealing with since we remodeled in November of 2007. I don't plan on having that figured out in time for October 31st. I'd much prefer to attend other parties this year. Lastly, we did a lot of remodeling in November and December 2007 and the house looks really good for once. I don't want to have another party like last year, I can't afford to do the same cleanup/repairs. If I bring it back in 2009 I'll probably try to keep the guest list manageable.

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