Friday, October 24, 2008

We're Engaged!

Kat and I are finally engaged. I proposed during our Mexican vacation (details to follow soon) and she accepted. I gave her a placeholder ring until we go shopping for permanent rings after the holiday season is over.

Kat is an amazing, funny, sexy, beautiful, smart, and wonderful woman. I love her immensely. She is so very good to me and lets me know all the time how much she loves me in return. The last two and a half years with Kat have been very healthy and deeply satisfying. I couldn't imagine a better partner to spend the rest of my life with.

We are both looking forward to getting married someday, but not any time soon. I'm thinking it will be some time after she's finished grad school and found a job she likes and we're otherwise not distracted with other grand plans. For now we're both very happy to be where we are in our relationship, and everyone we've told seems very happy for us as well. My heartfelt thanks goes out to everyone who loves us and has given us support.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Halloween Party 2008 - Hiatus

I'm not going to throw a Halloween party this year. I've lived in Eugene, off-campus for 12 years now and I've only skipped the party one of those years. My elbow was broken and in a sling in 2003 and I didn't feel very up to it then. This year Kat and I will be spending a good chunk of October in Mexico and I probably won't feel like doing much when I get back. My garage is full of unused furniture, building materials, bikes, and other junk that I haven't gotten around to dealing with since we remodeled in November of 2007. I don't plan on having that figured out in time for October 31st. I'd much prefer to attend other parties this year. Lastly, we did a lot of remodeling in November and December 2007 and the house looks really good for once. I don't want to have another party like last year, I can't afford to do the same cleanup/repairs. If I bring it back in 2009 I'll probably try to keep the guest list manageable.